EVP, or Employee Value Proposition, is something for companies to take into consideration. It is the set of values that a company offers its employees, and it is also useful for managing collaborators. Besides attracting new applicants, EVP helps to involve and keep current employees and to find the perfect applicants for vacant positions.

The fundamental point to ensure that this proposal satisfies expectations lies in viewing job applicants as though they were customers looking for a product. If we want to sell a high-quality product, we communicate in a certain manner, and we have to do the same thing if we want to attract and keep quality workers.

What can be done to attract new collaborators to one’s company?

Some companies simply offer higher wages. It is not a bad practise, but there is the risk that the best collaborators can be lured away by a more enticing financial proposal. More enlightened companies, on the other hand, strive to create value, a certain kind of value that goes beyond a purely financial one.

Which factor do workers consider most often
when choosing an occupation?

A study conducted in 2017 by LinkedIn, revealed that workers choose their occupation by taking 3 different aspects into consideration: wages, promotion opportunities and stimuli generated by the position held. As one can see in the chart, these 3 aspects are of equal importance. It is obvious that workers are not only looking to earn good money, they are also looking for a company where they can enjoy added value.

It is possible to identify 5 categories of value that make a company appealing:

  • Remuneration: wages, bonuses, promotions
  • Benefits: holidays, sick days, insurance
  • Promotion: possibility of growth and progress, training courses, professional advice, talent enhancement
  • Work environment: sympathy for workers, balanced working life, sense of independence, personal goals, recognition for the work done
  • Company culture: positive relations with colleagues, company managers and leaders, trust, collaboration, team spirit and reciprocal support, alignment with company objectives, social responsibility

Creating an EVP that sets your company apart from others is only the first step. Once created, it should be advertised and made public, using a variety of channels: company social networks, referrals, talent networking events, company website, and others based on set needs and objectives.

Each company presents  particular, unique and inimitable characteristics. This is why there are no fixed indications that are always valid for creating an optimum EVP. It should be created by taking the 5 previously mentioned points into account, and weighing them on a case by case basis.